Music Server format?

I want to acquire a music server. No experience. What format should I use for storing music? WAV, FLAC, AIFF?
Looking at Sony HAP-Z1ES? Any thoughts?
Do I need to convert CD files to different format to copy to computer?
Web site to learn?


Some of the Crutchfield user reviews not terribly complimentary. Not much in guidance for use/setup. No way to delete unwanted rips? Tech support weak?
Will look further into this option though as it sounds promising.

You might also consider the Auralic Altair.  It's a wireless streaming dac, and if you add the optional  hard drive or SSD it becomes a server also.   Auralic uses their own software interface, however it is also Roon ready if you prefer.  With the optional hard drive, it's probably around $2100 to $2200; a little more than the Sony, but more flexible.  I was also thinking about one of the Sony HAPS, but they don't have the ability to stream music.  The one major drawback of the Auralic is at the present time Android devices are not supported for their software, only Apple IOS devices.  Good luck in your search.

Just read the Crutchfield reviews about Bluesound.  I only saw 1 bad one and am guessing that person received a defective unit.  Nothing is perfect but I think it is a high quality product that takes the PC out of the picture 
A Bluesound Node 2 replaced my well-appointed Mac mini back in April. I don't miss it one bit (pun?) in my audio system.