MAC's MP100 Phono Pre-amp

Hey People. I currently have an Allnic H1201 phono stage (tubed) and am considering moving to McIntosh's first stand alone pre-amp. I recently got a Cary SLP-05 pre-amp and its connected to a MAC MC302 power amp (a great move in of itself). Was just wondering if anyone had any direct experience with the MP100. Not certain if the McIntosh will present an audible difference. Thank you for your input. TAK
You don't say what you have for a table/arm/cartridge but FWIW, I ran a C2300 with the MC302.  It was an absolutely outstanding combination in my application.  In many ways, I wish I still had the 2300 in my system, but I had to compromise somewhere to make it all really usable.  Went to the C50 instead.  That gave me 99.7% of the sound with none of the drawbacks, so I'm satisfied.

However and as theothergreg noted, the jury is still out on the new MP100.  I would expect it to be on par with the C50, but you never know until you audition.  Take your time and have fun either way.

Happy listening!

To answer your question effischer, I have a VPI Classic with thier JMW-10 tone arm holding a Charisma MC2 cartridge. So what were the drawbacks of the 2300 that made you switch to the C50? Curious. For the time being, I'll hold and keep the Allnic. Thanks.
While the C2300 has one of the best phono sections ever made (both MC and MM, BTW), it took forever to warm up.  Like 3 hours.  By the time it was ready to rock, I was ready to roll... right into bed.  I just don't have enough free time to deal with that kind of thing.  99.7% for most of the available time is better than only a tune or two @ 100%.

Folks have said I could have run the 2300 harder (i.e. much louder) to warm it up more quickly, but I just don't like the harshness you have to endure to do it that way.  It's a big reason why I don't often care for the sound of a first set at a concert, either.

I'm not kidding about how good the 2300 sounded - the late Harry Pearson used it as part of his personal reference system for something like a year back when it was released.  I found it magical on everything, and especially so with acoustic instruments.  When you can hear the difference between a Guild and a Martin folk guitar on the first note, that's a remarkable accomplishment. 

Still, the C50 is no slouch.  It is a bit quieter as you might expect from SS, is perfectly neutral and has a kick-ass internal DAC.  Maybe I can't distinguish between the Guild and the Martin for a few bars, but i can still hear the depth of their bodies and the timbre of their wood.  Horns ring like they should and drums move air.  I can still hear the difference between a Paiste and a Zildjian cymbal set; that didn't change.

I will also say that I underestimated the convenience of the DAC.  I am very much not a digital guy.  While I have a very high-end disc player, I have never heard a CD, SACD, DVD-A or 192/32 PCM file beat my fancy vinyl rig.  However, getting my Graham arm to the correct VTA to bring all the magic out takes patience and a steady hand.  Not ideal when I'm pressed for time or had a number of adult beverages.  So, streaming Internet radio and running files from my computer provides benefits the C2300 couldn't deliver.

I may go back to a tube pre (maybe the C2500) after I retire and have the time to burn, but for now I have a compromise that works very well indeed.  Since this is all supposed to be about happy listening, that's about as good as one can hope for.  

Good luck!

Efficher .... thanks for the explanation .... I have no doubt that your C2300 was a great sounding pre, but I gotta pick a bone with you .... How is it even possible, that a 3 hour warm up will do anything at all to the sonic quality emminating from the phono section of your C2300? I know from my communications with MAC over the years that there is not, nor has there ever been, a measurble change in the electrical circuit after a period of warm-up. Further, they cannot measure quantitatively by any means, any change in performance, regardless of time. In the absense of imperical data, I truly believe it is only your ears adjusting to the sound. It is just not demonstrable that "it has to warm up to sound good". With all due respect, I find your notion of a 3 hour warm up, silly. What say you?

Hello Tak1,

From the system picture, I see that you are using a sub with Cassiano. How useful or important to have a sub with the Cassiano? Which sub are you using ?
