Please help ...integrated amp under $1200

Looking to upgrade my system...integrated amp with new floor standing tower speakers...Would like to stream in addition to vinyl and cds.
Looking at Cambridge cxa 80, nad  c368 ....Possibly monitor silver 10 speakers, Any thoughts or positive recommendations would be most appreciated. Just looking for some practical guidance. Not sure if I want a streamer or can use my laptop or iphone.
On the Rogue, get the V2. Much quieter and a beefed up phono section. No DAC. If that's important, check out the new Yamahas. Very nice sounding and very full featured. these are not the "box store" Yamahas...

bbarlow690, are you seriously comparing the Krell KAV 300i with the PS Audio Sprout...! I had the Sprout for one week and couldn't wait to send it back. I suppose cables and/or system "synergy" could have major impact but in my opinion they're not even in the same league. But all that aside, I'd second Rogue Audio as a great value, especially if you can find it used.

The Monitor Audio’s are 4 ohm 90db sensitivity 250w. Albeit wattage handling numbers can be a little loose. There isn’t much point in buying a steak if your only going to take two bites out of it. Thats what you’ll be doing with the PS audio sprout. It is a nice all one for fitting applications. Even though the 10’s have a somewhat friendly sensitivity rating unless an amplifier is packing an extra large power supply I would aim higher than "50 watts" per channel.