Tonearm recommendation

Hello all,
Recently procured a Feickert Blackbird w/ the Jelco 12 inch tonearm.
The table is really good, and its a keeper. The Jelco is also very good, but not as good as my Fidelity Research FR66s. So the Jelco will eventually hit Ebay, and the question remains do I keep the FR66s or sell that and buy something modern in the 5-6 K range. My only point of reference is my old JMW-10 on my Aries MK1, so I don't know how the FR66s would compare to a modern arm. So I'd like to rely on the collective knowledge and experience of this group for a recommendation.

Keep the FR66s, or go modern in the 5-6K range, say a Moerch DP8 or maybe an SME.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are of course much appreciated.

Cheers,      Crazy Bill
Seems to me that more people enjoy the confrontations and debates, which then turn into mean spirited attitudes with absolutely no practical application to those seeking opinions. After all, we all have ears that most likely hear differently, and come from different backgrounds of cultural sophistication and exposure to what we have allowed the void between our ears to be filled.

No one has all the answers -- not even the so-called experts -- especially those who arrogantly place that crown upon their own head and demand everyone recognize their title. People also develop an obvious loyalty to the products they buy, because otherwise, they have to admit they bought poorly . . . and that then becomes for some, a matter of pride; therefore, when someone INJURES their choices in audio gear -- they are also injuring the character and integrity of the owner.

Obviously people are duped by skilled and cleaver advertising that is made to convince the public to buy their product over another. Tonearms are about as numerous as cars these days. So one likes the style, the mechanics, the road handling of such and such brand over another, but the problem as in tonearms, is the pride of ownership in saying without controversy: “I have the very best!” BUT, for how long? The consumer food chain claims this one “tastes” the best today, only to be degraded to a piece of junk the next, and anyone who disagrees is also downgraded to moron should they try to defend it. Unless one is earning big bucks, I would venture to say that the rest of us simply cannot keep up with the Jones . . . and why should we? If you like what you like, and someone else does not -- so what! Both of you don’t have to listen to the other person’s choices . . . and apart from the macho and testosterone attitude being exhibited . . . I don’t see where much else is being accomplished -- do you?

Even among those who afford the “very best” tonearms as they come out today, they still can’t agree, and when you get the so-called “experts and interpreters” who supposedly have the superior golden ears and the public’s attention -- THEY DON’T AGREE on every point either, as they still have their own favorites based upon their own reasons, which professionally they then must dogmatically defend or lose their jobs as reviewers (not to mention their big fat paycheck). Accept that, and you will be that much further ahead of the game. Use people’s opinions as a guide for what they are worth -- most definitely fallible (I didn't say worthless), because that is what mankind in general is all about . . . imperfection; however, whether we like to admit it or not, we supposedly also learn by our mistakes until the next one occurs. Personally, I still haven’t met any of my contemporaries who have achieved any status or level of perfection . . . but I have met many who have the attitude and arrogance to think so and make it a point to tell you so.

Please, enjoy the hobby and get over it -- the fruitless arguments and insults -- not the debates, mind you . . . they're entertaining and quite informative. The best tonearm/cartridge -- is the one you bought, listen to, and thoroughly enjoy.
Hello all,
I guess it's time to resurrect this thread and move it in a new direction.
My buddy struck again, and the Blackbird has been replaced by an Amazon Grand Referenz. I've got the Moerch ( 12 inch ) DP8 on it.

My phonostage is presently a Decware ZP3. The only high output cartridge I've got is an Audio Technica AT150MLX, and that is mounted on the Moerch. Set-up via a MF Geodisc. Got a Mint on the way, so set-up will be better.

While I will build a board to mount the FR66s on the Amazon to compare to the Moerch, the Moerch is so sublime ( and it's not optimal yet ), the FR66s has an uphill battle. But I will listen with an open mind. The bass response of the Moerch is superior to anything I've ever heard, and will be tough to walk away from. But I want this to be as good as possible within the following confines.

I'm seriously looking at a couple of other arms instead of the Moerch or FR.
1). One of the Reed arms ( 12 inch ).
2). A Durand arm ( either the Talea2 or the Kairos ).

Has anybody ever had a chance to compare, or listen to, any of these arms.

The Moerch and FR66s are really very good. But if the Durand or Reed arms will elevate the musical experience, I would like to know your thoughts.

I'm not getting any younger, and I want to finalize my path to vinyl nirvana.

Thanks for any help.

Cheers,                                  Crazy Bill
If I were you Crazy Bill....I'd be investing my funds in better cartridges.
Much greater 'bang for buck' in that department IMHO and your arms are more than adequate to reap the benefits.

Thanks Halcro. That clearly is on the horizon.

I've always felt the various Denon's I've had here, and the Koetsu Rosewood, would not be my final resting place. While they are good, with both of them I've always felt something was missing. It's entirely possible the problem has been my setup and I need to work on this. I may end up satisfied, but I don't think so.

That said, I have a Grado Statement here. It does need a retip. I bought it in 2000, and its got a few hours on it. Its a high compliance cartridge, so obviously the FR or the blue wand on the Moerch need not apply. I'm waiting for Grado to come up with the new Statement and I may upgrade. ( Or maybe a Soundsmith retip ).Problem is, on the Moerch, I would probably need the lightest wand to match it, and that's only available in the 9 inch version, so I would have to accommodate that ( new wand and new mounting board for the Amazon ). I really like what 12 inch arms bring to the table so I probably won't go this route. But it still sticks in the back of my mind as I've got it here. We'll see.

If I had half a brain ( and that's stretching it on a good day !! ), I would stick with the Moerch DP8. Sell the Blackbird, the FR66s, the modified Jelco, the Grado, and everything else I won't need and get a very high end cartridge. With a little luck I can probably raise 10K. I'm in the process of building a very high end SET amp, and I still need about 2.5K to finish that. So I'm hopeful I'll have around 7.5 K for a new cartridge.

At that price, I feel, the world opens up. The Amazon importer, Sorasound, is very high on ZYX cartridges. I should probably take a serious look at what ZYX  will mate well with the Moerch at around that price.

More to come. 

Thanks, as always.

Cheers,                      Crazy Bill
P.S.  As setup is such an important consideration, I need to address that properly. Now I am using my MF Geodisc. I know that it is not the end game, which is why I ordered the Mint for the Moerch. Again, if I had half a brain, I would get the Smart Tractor and be done with it.

If after the Mint is in house and I do get the Moerch set up properly with it, and I still feel something is missing, I may opt for the SmartTractor to try the UNI-DIN alignment. We'll see where it leads.

Anyone, please feel free to offer your two cents on what I'm thinking. as I've posted previously, I'm a neophyte compared to most of you and I covet your thoughts and experience.

Please feel free to chime in.

Cheers again,                   Crazy Bill
Before you spend 'silly' money unnecessary Crazy Bill....can you maybe try something cheap and easy....?
I have had dozens of high-compliance MM cartridges sound amazing in both FR64s and FR66S tonearms so please park that misunderstood audio 'myth' in the corner where it belongs and start enjoying the possibilities 🙈
High cost in audio is rarely a guarantee of 'greatness' but particularly with cartridges....I have constantly been disappointed with the 'über'cost MCs over the last 20 years and I have owned many of them. I find the sound of a current $12,000 multi-awarded MC cartridge to be simply unacceptable.
The world does not "open up" at this price point.....rather, the world opens up when you discover that most of the great cartridge knowledge and design occurred in the 'golden' age of analogue....the 70s and 80s.
This is true, not only for MM design but also, as I've discovered......with LOMCs as well. The vintage SPUs and FR-7 series and Sony X-55 and MIT 1 leave every modern MC I've heard, gasping....
For approx. $200 you can buy a used Shure V15/III from HiFiDo and purchase a Neo SAS from Jico for another $200. A carbon-fibre Yamamoto HS-4S for $140 more will give you an under $600 cartridge/headshell combination for your FR-66s that will leave a ZYX UNIverse (and I have three) sounding insipid.
What do you have to lose?.....😜