@lostbears It's good that your NAS isn't in the same room as your audio system; that's the best place for it. If you can run a long CAT ethernet cable into the listening that is ideal. If not, you can use adapters that plug into AC outlets in both rooms and send the signal from router to audio room where you'd plug a an ethernet cable from the plugged in adapter to the microRendu. Other options include wifi receivers that have ethernet outputs and many brand new routers that come as 3 or more pieces to "spread your router" and wifi signal more evenly thru the house. Anything that has a standard RJ45 ethernet output and you will be in business.
As far as DAC, most are not a problem, and regarding special drivers, you can post on the Sonore Forum on computeraudiophile and Jesus from Sonore( who posts there daily) will address the issue, even working with the manufacturers if they need to write a special compatible driver. For a handful of exotic DACs these issues have already been conquered thanks to other buyers, but most of the time it isn't an issue at all. Ask Jesus telling him about your specific DAC.
Lastly, in my firsthand experience, everything suggested by @uberdine is bettered by a mile with the NAS & microRendu and at a lower cost. I used Mac, A+ in standalone integer mode for years and tested the others mentioned. It was fine and better than most full computer solutions, but the microRendu is in a completely different league and is more intuitive & less buggy in terms of user interface(especially for visitors) and more reliable without library indexing issues, crashes, etc. common to Audirvana+. Cheers,