Your first component that was "special"

I got into hifi 40 years ago. I had a Pioneer receiver, Kenwood table, various entry level cartridges (ADC, Stanton, Empire) and Studio Design speakers. I wound up buying a Shure V15 Type 3 cartridge. That was the first piece of gear I bought that was way beyond ordinary. I had kept the cartridge until about 2o years ago- I sold it because by then no decent replacement stylus was available. Wish I still had it.

For me it was the original AR-XA turntable along with a Dynaco SCA-35 integrated amp back in 1974.  I was using a pair of homemade speakers built by my older EE brother at the time.  Among speakers, after going through a number of ARs, Altec's, EPIs and such, it was getting a used pair of Spendor BC-1s which I acquired around 1993-4.  What a revelation - that magnificent midrange!  They stayed in my main system until about 2011.
Probably my first pair of Quad loudspeakers, circa 1973. They changed how I perceived recorded music. 
Also notable for its time was the ARC SP 3-a-1. I suspect it sounds quite dated now, but when it was new, there was really nothing like it (other than perhaps some highly modified or rare tube preamps, though in the day, I thought it bettered the Marantz 7). 
I stuck with ARC electronics up through the SP-10 mk ii and Classic 60. I left the fold shortly thereafter.
I consider the Lamm ML2 SET amp to be a revelation. Though it was hardly the "first" breakthrough product I owned, it also changed my expectations of reproduced music.

I still own the ARC Dual 75a that I bought new shortly after the model was released. Most of the other equipment I owned in past decades is long gone, though I still have my original pair of Quads, as well as a pair of Crosby- modded 63s. And a pair of those old Decca ribbon tweeters, a pair of old Quad II amps, and....  :)

In 1973 I used an experimental circuit design from Motorola design notes for a 200 watt solid state amplifier. I designed and etched the printed circuit boards, wound my own power transformers from defunct colour TV sets, built my own chassis and put 2 of these mono amplifiers side by side in the same box. Wish I still had it today. LOL!
A Krell KSA100s.  I was shopping for my 1st tube pre and Krell was sitting quietly in the corner.   Only read about Krells in magazines and never heard one so ask dealer to hook it up.   WOW!!!  My brother and I were mesmerized.  We spent the whole afternoon in the showroom.

I bought the pre and at dealer's request, big mistake taking Krell home to enjoy for a week or so.   Dealer knew it wasn't coming back and I bought it.   It was 30% of my gross but well worth it.    I truly enjoyed it and eventually bought 2 more Krell amps.
1982 or '83 Oracle Delphi Mk. II that my mother helped me obtain.  I FINANCED it with her co-signature!

 I bought a used Grace 707 tonearm and an Audioquest cartridge, best I remember.  All set up by the Oracle dealer who sold me the TT new.  Still have the turntable and don't use it nearly enough.