Your first component that was "special"

I got into hifi 40 years ago. I had a Pioneer receiver, Kenwood table, various entry level cartridges (ADC, Stanton, Empire) and Studio Design speakers. I wound up buying a Shure V15 Type 3 cartridge. That was the first piece of gear I bought that was way beyond ordinary. I had kept the cartridge until about 2o years ago- I sold it because by then no decent replacement stylus was available. Wish I still had it.

The original Vandersteen 5 speakers with the external crossover, purchased second-hand from a friend. Revelatory!
An NAD 3020 integrated amp...... a super low-key 20 wpc amp that blew away my flashy 70 wpc Japanese reciever.  As a 19 yr old college kid, it was tough to buy something that didn't look awesome, but I soon came to love the NAD look, and now equate that to fun listening. I quickly traded up to the 3150 amp and it's still powering my workshop system today, 32 years later!
 My very first system roughly 45 years ago - was a Luxman 1500 receiver, a pair of Bose 301's and a Lenco L85 turntable -- all financed with my college grant money & this served me well for many years  -- but the piece of equipment that started me down the path of financial "unfreedom" and "upgradeitis"  was a pair of ML Purity speakers.

I fell in love with the electrostatic sound -- and moved up to the CLX after a few years  -- once that happened -- I was "forced" into upgrading everything else in my system in order to try and squeeze the very best sound out of the clx speakers.  A journey that has been a lot of fun, very rewarding but never seems to want to end.

I would have to say that 'Special" is a moving target -- as all of these were very special when i first got them -- and there are varying degrees of special -- there's " WOW "  -- then there's " HOLY SH_T"  and then there is "I'M DONE"  -- which isn't true - otherwise i wouldn't be looking at Audiogon anymore. 
Great American Sound (GAS) Son of Ampzilla power amp, with Magnepan IIa speakers.