I am a firm advocate for isolation
it has made a large difference in my system
when you get it truly right individual sounds are isolated, transparency enhanced, low level details and imaging articulated and with no changes in tonality
the electronics are not being stressed by resonance
this occurs in both tube and solid state equipment
where you hear this is in detail and separation of instruments, with no smear and decay in time. There is a strong sense of silence between notes, natural decay and sharp attacks
One way you can hear this nicely is on a full swipe of a pianists hand across the keys or fast articulated playing with distict quick gaps between notes. The notes will sound out distinctly without overlap.
it real is like a veil removed in a time sense
things jump out ar you by their lack of resonace and enhanced separation
I have found two major products that have taken isolation to a great level in my system.
Silent Running Audio racks and isobases and Daedalus DIDs - Daedalus Isolation Devices footers.
Silent Running Audio is serious isolation. I have their Craz rack and a number of their isobase platforms. Kevin Tellekamp works on contracts dealing with precise control of resonance with the US nuclear submarines and with other groups including demanding micro level medical applications.
The Craz rack contains an indo-skeletion of titanium, custom material shelves and is a major investment, but it will make a huge difference and will be the last rack you ever buy. It is a work of art - very substantial..
you can also buy SRA isobases that go on any rack shelf or on the floor commonly with monoblocks. SRA custom makes each shelf to your specific equipment. My turntable base was designed around my Gavia Galibier and is a thing of beauty. Everything comes wood crated.
the bases come in three grade levels
http://www.silentrunningaudio.com/home.htmhttp://www.silentrunningaudio.com/AudioIsolationReviews/sra_reviews.htmanother isolation device that is garnering great attention is Lou Hinkley at Daedalus DIDs - Daedalus Isolation Devices. Lou who build's exceptionally crafted hardwood speakers has come up with isolation footers that work very effectively.
http://daedalusaudio.com/DiD.htmlI have utilized these on my Billy Bags digital rack and they provide enhanced resolution, transparency and isolation with no changes in tonality. Lou's comments - Resonance control is crucial in the design of great speaker systems, and now we have applied that knowledge to isolation devices (footers) for components. These devices utilize dissimilar materials to dissipate resonance coupled with bearings to also isolate the electronic component from vibration. Precision made of highly polished billet Aluminum, solid Cherry and Brass with steel bearings.
Lou has been effectively bringing these to audio shows and demonstrating their impact by adding them component by component to the system. Then removing as well. The sonic benefits are very apparent.