Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?

With arrival of new SOTA TV, will be going from 99% 2-channel to 85%. For 3-d capability, my question is whether to upgrade to Integra DHC-80.3/Onkyo PR-SC5508 or to go higher up the chain. Not sure what, if anything, I will be giving up by purchasing at the $2K price point vs $5K, other than, of course, an extra $3K of expense. Also have an Oppo BDP-95 on the way for Blue-Ray/3D. Will be incorporating front speakers, preamp and amps from 2-channel into the HT system.

Thanks for any help.
Certainly,it is not my place to tell you how to spend your money; however, looking at the components in your system, I would consider moving up the chain to the Denon processor ($4400), Class 800, Anthem D2 and others. Any of those units will provide you with the same level of quality as you already have. I am surprised your other components did not jump the integra/onkyo and tell it to scram, it was in the wrong neighborhood.
Thanks Kal. I've already got the BDP-95 installed. I've also already got 2-channel more than covered.

The only issue is the Audyssey processing difference between the Integra 9.8(MultEQ XT) and the 80.2 or 80.3(MultEQ XT32). I have never directly compared this, so don't have any idea. Is it night and day? Subtle? I really can't see how this difference alone could be worth $2600 to me(less whatever I could get for the 9.8). Please enlighten me? Thanks.
Hard to say what it will do for you but I think the overall sound of the 80.2 plus that of XT32 make it a significant improvement for me. The only way to know is to compare them. I have published my observations.

Mig007 - there was some muffled muttering early on, but that soon subsided. :-)

I appreciate your comment and that was my original thinking as well. However, the Integra is pretty well holding its own, with the addition of the Oppo's video. The problem is there is no place to compare the products you mentioned and no one I have been able to find who has sufficient knowledge of both my current system and these processors to be able to tell which would integrate the best.

In addition, since I already have 2-channel covered and only really watch movies in the winters, a processor's "usage factor" is not very high in my system right now. I suppose if I were to hear a processor that simply blew me away I would be interested, but for anything short of that I'll probably be OK as I am for now. I'm not sure about 4K, but we're not there yet...
I have an Onkyo Pro SC885 processor with a Oppo BDP 95 and run 2.1 and 5.1 multichannel analogue from the Oppo as it kills the Onkyo processing. I can even utilize the DTS Master Audio and Dolby Digital Plus through analogue too. the 2 channel from the Oppo 95 is also exceptional too compared to the Onkyo which is fair. I had talked with a fella from Onkyo which said the upgrade processor which is the 5508 would not be a huge upgrade in sound quality from the 885. It does have few more options than mine of course but not worth the money. Assuming the extremely highest caliber of the Sabre32 Reference ES 9018 from ESS Technology was defeating my Onkyo I myself would have to probably go to a separate processor like Wyred for Sound as they use ESS technology. Unless someone has a higher experience of decoding than that.

Best regards Bacardi