Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
GAS Son Of Ampzilla update...

Given its age I had relatively low expectations for this piece and my pre-assumptions about its sonics were fairly spot-on.  (I have a Pioneer SX 1080/Marantz 2252b/Conrad Johnson MF200 in controlled storage as well.)

As per the seller's ad here,  its condition was better than I could expect- no serious dings, scratches or discolorations anywhere.  The metering glass is a little dull but that wasn't/isn't any major concern.

I left it playing for about 24 hours at low level since the seller stated it had been serviced in 2014 and stored since;  I had no reason to doubt that claim as the above described physical condition was,  again,  given its age,  very good.

I left all of my cabling intact,  which is 100% Transparent.  I saw no reason to alter anything in order to see how the GAS would perform.

The first piece of music I listened to was Ginger Baker "Cyril Davis" off of "Why",  which is my litmus test for anything I add to my system and,  perhaps unfairly, based upon the best amp I've had,  IMHO,  a Pass Labs X150.5.  (Don't start me on why I sold THAT - I'm an idiot.)  As stated in a previous post I am currently using a Primare A34.2 amplifier.

Anyway,  the GAS is indeed a "vintage" piece,  sounding very much like my Marantz 2252b.  The midrange strikes me as being...crowded?  Muddled?  There are bass lines in the tune I listened to that the GAS simply couldn't reproduce as faithfully as the Primare does - there was a discernible lack of texture to the instruments as well.  *Sigh*

The power meters barely moved at all,  which is an indication of how conservative my preferred listening level is rather than an indication of a malfunction.  I noticed this with all  my previous amps that had meters as well.  Even when I "cranked up" the level the meters indicated less than 20 watts.  (The X150.5 meter displayed current,  not watts,  but I've had a couple of McIntosh pieces that back this up.)  Sheesh - do I really need gobs of power to drive my CS3.5's?

All in all,  it was a fun 'speriment,  one that satisfied my curiosity about the brand at a very low acquisition cost.  I have a "thing" for "vintage" equipment,  borne of my introduction to hifi way back in the 1970's which had been Sansui/Marantz/Pioneer - first receivers,  then separates.  In that categorical perspective the GAS showed well enough,  but in comparison to the newer equipment I've owned,  and own currently,  it just couldn't.  Mind you,  this is no knock against GAS - I love its look,  it performs as it did,  and it was fun listening to it,  comparison or not.  

Subsequently I may be selling it here,  along with my other amps to fund a re-acquisition of a First Watt or Pass Labs.  The prices on Pass have quite literally rocketed upwards since I sold my X150.5 a little while back,  which I obtained for $2495,  currently fetching roughly $1K more.  (And this is used!)  Yikes!

My CS3.5's are remaining in place.   I believe I saw a pair of 5's somewhere for $2995 which would be the only speakers I could part with the 3.5's for...woe is me!

Happy listening,  folks!
TY- oblgny for the update!

I look forward to your next acquisition in gear.  If you back to Pass Labs,
will you own both PL pre-amp & power amp? Or, will you mate it up w/ your B.A.T. pre-amp?
Much Thanks! Dave-

like any other person here in this thread, I value all insights and expressed opinions.  You have owned some very fine cables my friend.

I,too, was impressed w/ Straight Wire- I auditioned it along w/ Rogue Audio gear, Rega spinner and Sonus Faber loudspeakers. Very fine sound and synergy. This occurred 4 years ago, the SW cabling was lower tier (the salon owner does not believe in higher priced cables/cords) red jackets, in color. I wish I knew the models?

Transparent TOTL cabling is the mighty OPUS. Now, I have had the pure listening pleasure of these IC & SP , power cords in a ARC, Bryston, Wison Audio Speakers system- it did not disappoint.  Additionally, I heard the Transparent Reference XL in an all Ayre /Wilson Audio system- it did not disappoint either.  Many of the M.I.T. experts here on the 'Gon will tell us that these cables/cords are very close to Transparent in nature.

I read alot and there is quite the movement coming out of EU- Skogrand,
Sablon' Tellurium and Jorma- just to mention a few of my must-demo list.

Too many cables/cords- too little time...