Much Thanks! Dave-
like any other person here in this thread, I value all insights and expressed opinions. You have owned some very fine cables my friend.
I,too, was impressed w/ Straight Wire- I auditioned it along w/ Rogue Audio gear, Rega spinner and Sonus Faber loudspeakers. Very fine sound and synergy. This occurred 4 years ago, the SW cabling was lower tier (the salon owner does not believe in higher priced cables/cords) red jackets, in color. I wish I knew the models?
Transparent TOTL cabling is the mighty OPUS. Now, I have had the pure listening pleasure of these IC & SP , power cords in a ARC, Bryston, Wison Audio Speakers system- it did not disappoint. Additionally, I heard the Transparent Reference XL in an all Ayre /Wilson Audio system- it did not disappoint either. Many of the M.I.T. experts here on the 'Gon will tell us that these cables/cords are very close to Transparent in nature.
I read alot and there is quite the movement coming out of EU- Skogrand,
Sablon' Tellurium and Jorma- just to mention a few of my must-demo list.
Too many cables/cords- too little time...