Please help ...integrated amp under $1200

Looking to upgrade my system...integrated amp with new floor standing tower speakers...Would like to stream in addition to vinyl and cds.
Looking at Cambridge cxa 80, nad  c368 ....Possibly monitor silver 10 speakers, Any thoughts or positive recommendations would be most appreciated. Just looking for some practical guidance. Not sure if I want a streamer or can use my laptop or iphone.
Forgot to mention. The Redgum has passive preamp section, no gain, something which is questionable and depends on your taste. Personally, I don't quite like it despite the gain in transparency and usually run my phono stage thru deck monitor and then to the Redgum. I lose some, very little, transparency but get more full bodied sound. I use very high quality cables.
Thank You all...really love all your passion, expertise and advice...
Just Listened to monitor Silver 8 floor standing paired with an anthem integrated amp which was too pricey for me...speakers first I'll need an amp ...any ideas
Factory refurb Anthem 225 on ebay for $900,  worth a look. No connection to seller.
If its the MA Silver 8's that your going to get, then either the Marantz PM8005 or Rogue Sphinx V2 that were suggested earlier would be a great match for these speakers.  Both rated into 4 Ohms, very good phono stages and within your budget. 

The don't come available very often, but $1200 should buy a Coda Unison... If you want a solid state, its hard to do much better at any price. All 3 versions are quite good. All 3 double their power from 8 to 4 ohms.

3.1 125 watts

3.2 200 watts

3.3 300 watts...

The difference is how much power is biased into class A.