Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland

What would it be? Transistor or Hybrid. This is a general discussion.
I heard that Gryphon and Ypsilon qualify but I didn't audition either. Lamm hybrid does too, I believe.
As we go with a long list of prestigious amp names, i would like to add Hegel, Octave, Lampizator, Audio Tekne, and Triode Corporation...
But i guess the Boulder 3050 is the actual absolute reference around, and second i would go Gryphon Mephisto Solo. Tube wise, yet with power, it would be Coincident Dragon MkII (I would love to see another improved version, I am sure they can be built much better). They match the pricier Wavacs, Audionote, Viva and Absolare, for a fraction of the price. Low power tubes: Coincident Frankenstein MkII and Wavac EC300B are unbeatable so far. This is all just my point of view, not an absolute affirmation.