Esoteric P02X, D02X (and C02X), any direct listening impressions are appreciated....

I'd appreciate any direct experience from those who have done serious listening to the new Esoteric P02X and D02X transport and DAC.

Any comparisons to the prior 02 (non-X) transport and DAC would be appreciated as would listening impressions in general and against other high-end units, including but not limited to the Esoteric P1/D1, K-01X, EMMLabs, etc....

Primary reason the move from the 02 to 02X level is being considered is the native DSD streaming input on USB to the D-02X (D-02 is limited to PCM at high up-sampled rates) and the possibly attractive nature of the ES-LINK4 protocol and connection type between P02X and D02X, over and above what ES-LINK3 already provides between P02 and D02.

Thank you!
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Hi Mark, thanks it’s the male instincts working ... always wanting something new and better.... and again, Groundhog day!

I believe the P/D02x will have an edge over the K1, but again the fine balance of cables/isolation etc which have been painstakingly synergised into the system.

Do you feel the eslink, given the rather limited choices still surpass good xlr/rca cables?

I have just got improved results feeding the 22m out with a cable and splitting with a T to my K01x and streamer.

My opinion was that the K01 was very good, but even before going to the X, i always felt the staging as slighlty compressed and overall less open than the X. It was a nice "upgrade".

My Mr golden ears, after hearing the addition for the clock, clock +rubidium quartzlock 10m and now clock + cybershaft OCXO states that the last was a good improvement, upgrading to the X was not nearly as significant!

Maybe your A2000 50ohm cable will do it for you! There are still found on japan’s yahoo auctions for reasonable money.

I have given up on seeking out a bestest transport as Tidal now exceeds spinning CD’s, so the P-02X is out so waiting if there is a compaison for the K1 and D-02X for dacs alone or hope a N-1 streamer will be release and that would be a no brainer for me!

I am sure a new AKM4499 will be on the drawing board by the time K1 gets delivered to dealers outside japan;)

For one, the only thing i "think" i would like is improvements towards an even more "real-er" vocal rendering, which has already improve greatly by the adding of the OCXO op16,lest i should sacrifice the other ranges which i am more than contented with and maybe a a Nagra or emm dac!
Thanks for that detail-packed reply; we definitely understand each other and face the same audio 'demons' when it comes to upgrading, improving system, etc... :-)

I am extremely happy with ES-LINK3 over dual-AES/EBU (XLR 110-ohm) cables given the synergy in my system that has been very stable since the 03 separates days using Kubala-Sosna ELATION AES/XLR cables, Emotion 75-ohm and 50-ohm clock cables, and Elrod Statement Gold Power Cords as well as XLR interconnects. I have a degree of musically "right and believable" happening that I did not think I would ever obtain so I'm eager to better it but very nervous about "mucking it up" to say the least.

The "X" versions of the 02 (and the corresponding ES-LINK4 protocol) intrigue me as, if Esoteric track record is any indication, whenever they step up in this protocol and with a new AKM DAC, things have proven to get better. Theoretically, going from 35-bit to 36 bit and moving past the limitation of AES/EBU in terms of bandwidth to dual-HDMI where Esoteric has confirmed in writing (via email thru their US leads) that they are using the HDMI cable for all the extra conductors it allows without bringing the unsavory aspects of the video parts of the HDMI protocol, and simply using "the wire" for all the extra bandwidth and further separation of function of a great number of individual pins over what AES/EBU can provide.

The other thing the "X" versions of the 02 add which I might want in the future (for an N-01 or other streaming device or server, whether I build it myself or buy a bespoke "SOTA" music server" is the move from at most 24/192 async (the 02 generation) to full USB-carried native DSD, DSDx2 up to DSDx4 streaming that the "X" version of the D-02 provides.

Lots of variables in the equation and I don't want to miss out on any leaps in performance or playback but more importantly, don't want to lose any musical aspects of what the current system achieves today.

Thanks for all the detail and the thoughts!
Thanks, it been wonderful hearing your similar experiences and thoughs towards the latest offerings and directions of the mystical perfect sound forever! If there is such a thing...

The balance and sensitivity which you have achieved might be the biggest stumbling block as it would be highly difficult to demo them, not that they will not be better, but upset the delicate balance that you have painstakingly put together over a the years.

My progression from the puccini to k03 to k01 and now X was a no brainer and did not require audition.

With the addition of clock system, cables and tweaks i have made over this time, i actually mucked up the balance just by changing the wall socket housing for the amps from a stamped metal to cast hubbel. I had a panic attack and required a couple of days adjusting a cimbination of tweak and footer position slightly just to reachieve the balance i like.

It was not so much as getter getter bass, more detailed and open sound etc, but a balance i could sit back, play any selection and just relax and enjoy the music.

Try changing out the 75ohm bncs for a 50 ohm, plating does matter. As the cable is the same, it is clear the different connectors have caused a change in balance and upset your enjoyment. I highly doubt the cable itself is different from whatever impedence. Just as eslinks4 will possibly be much more limited to finding a new balance with the X seperates as the choices from hdmi types are just too limited and adding more factors in acheiving this delicate balance of musicality. 

Too many manufacturers claim thei digital is 75ohm, but short of a handful, few are true coaxial construction required to acheive a 50 or 75ohm and just plain twisted or braided designs,  as this requires a specific industrial manufacturing process just to get the impendence correct.

Thank you for the feedback and great advice; it's been great to hear someone else going through the same things and grappling with the same questions and goals!  I am going to think alot more about whether this upgrade is worth it or rather should be put aside in favor of just listening and enjoying what I already have and (if any upgrade is ever possible or necessary) planning to go to the Grandioso level of componentry. Have a great week!!
May I suggest the STEALTH Veridig Sextet in the new V.16 with tuning collar not even advertised on the STEALTH site as of yet?  Here is a review.

Once you experience STEALTH Audio Cables, you will quickly realize its cables are in a world of their own.  Yes, I have been a Kubala Elation supporter for over a decade but when you connect STEALTH and realize it will yield 40% more than Elation you simply make the move as quickly as I did and never look back.  I know you will say, is this guy nuts at 40% but I can only say this is the truth from what I have experienced.  With STEALTH, Kubala Elation doesn't even make it to the playoffs to compare.