New system with periodic sound dropouts

Within the last 2 months I've gotten new speakers (Monitor Audio Gold 300), pre-amp (Primare Pre32) and power amp (Primare A32).  Since setting it up, there are times when my DAC loses the signal and no music plays for 1 - 2 seconds.  Other times music plays flawlessly with no dropouts.  I just tested the outlet where my gear is plugged in and got voltage readings between 123.5 - 125.9 (but I only had one drop out and that was earlier in the day).  My subdivision is less than 5 years old and all of our utilities are underground.  I've been considering an AC conditioner or regenerator. Do I really need one?  If power isn't the problem does anyone have an idea as to why my DAC sometimes loses the music signal?
Great research, Al. My computer came with Windows 10 and has a 1 TB hard drive with 8 GB RAM . It defragments weekly so no problem there. I don't know which USB ports are 3.0 or 2.0. There are 6 USB ports on the back panel but the only things connected are the DAC & a wireless keyboard and mouse signal (thingy). There are 2 unused USB ports on the front. So far today, after suggested alterations, (thanks everyone) I've heard no drop outs. Will keep my fingers crossed.
Good!  The two bottom-most USB connectors on the rear are the USB 3.0 ports, and the four above it are the USB 2.0 ports.  See the diagram on the second page of this Quick Start Guide.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al
I would hardwire IF the modem/router box were in the same vicinity but it isn’t. It’s in the bedroom (closer to the home office) while my stereo equipment and computer are in the living room. Google Fiber comes Thursday, hopefully its signal is stronger.
The point is the Dell has all the music locally. The network is not being used for streaming, but there are still drop outs.

