Another weekend, another revelation.
I have a rear panel usb A-port on my dac for a thumbdrive transport. Over the weekend, I compared thumbdrive in series with the AQ jitterbug ported to the rear vs thumbdrive ported to the PC which relays the usb signal to the B-port of my dac via the iFi USB 3.0. The USB 3.0 isolates usb power from the noise and regenerates the usb signal.
Well, the result is a jaw-dropping experience with night and day difference between the direct thumbdrive-AQ Jitterbug-dac approach and the previous PC-USB 3.0 - dac set-up. More clarity, dynamics, open soundstage, airy highs, fleshed out instruments, musical.....!
That said, I return to the title of this thread by exclaiming that Redbook is absolutely stunning with this direct thumbdrive-AQ JB-dac configuration. When I listen to Redbook now, I am truly amazed at how far dac's have come to make it so, so wonderful. At no point at all when listening to Redbook ripped to FLAC, do I feel that I am missing hires pcm/dsd.
There is no need today to fidget over new formats or pay more for hires pcm/dsd/MQA when Redbook can sound so gorgeous! We can all just sit back and enjoy our vast CD/Redbook collection with the technology of today's dac's.
A truly breathtaking revelation!
J. :)