Looking for SACD player............

I’m replacing my Marantz SA8100. Looking at new Marantz SA8500. Anything else new or used  in that price range I should be looking at? Thanks.
Regarding the Sony 5400ES SACD player.

I recently purchased a replacement laser assembly for my 6 year old Sony. I am now providing ( as a public service ) the information necessary to purchase a genuine Sony replacement laser:

Source: Encompass.com
Telephone: 1-800-432-8542
Part #:  8-820-322-04
Device: Optical KHM-313 cab/c
Manufacturer: Sony
Price: $43.03

Thank You!

I purchased a spare laser assembly from Sony years ago.

Sony has outsourced their repairs to a company in Michigan.

Search the Sony website, for info on where to send your units for repair.

I do not know how long there will be repair parts available.

The laser replacement may become DIY.

Search the web for a Sony service manual for DIY.

I have one. The laser assembly is static sensitive and a replacement complicated to do.