What interconnects are you guys using for bi-wiring speakers? I need a Y XLR based cable.

I'm using 802 D3s and krell amps.  I want to use two amp channels per speaker.  Just wanted to know what you guys were using for this and where to get a good cable that sounds good.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the question.  I am using a marrantz 8802a.  I assume it has the ability to push enough voltage? 

I did some more thinking on this thread.

@eniac26 - wow, I have never seen a normal 2-channel preamp that has more than one "active" XLR output.  That Classe CP-800 is pretty unique in this sense!

@mgould - Looking at your Marantz 8802A, it actually appears that there is a configuration that allows you to use two outputs for a bi-amp situation.  If you go to pages 233 and 237 of the 8802A manual, you can see that you can change the Amp Assign Mode to "9.1ch (Bi-Amp)".  It will allow to you select one of three different channels to use as the "bi-amp" channel (either "Front Wide", "Height1" or "Surround Back").


It is SOOO much better to use a better stereo amp than it is to bi -amp.
That depends on the speakers. And the amplifiers. And of course, some speakers require biamplification; they can't be used with just a single stereo amp.