Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.
On a more personal note, though I won't listen to Dylan because I can't accept such a low level of musicianship and singing, I think he is quite authentic, kind of quaint and likeable city cowboy summoning memories of American heritage and evoking universal dreams and feelings of protest and discomfort.
An Audiogon member praises the, say, Audio Research pre-amp he owns, saying it in his opinion is the "best" pre-amp in the world. Do you ask him to convince you that such is the case or to explain why he thinks so, or do you listen for yourself, coming to your own conclusion? Whatta you care what he thinks, it's what you think that matters, right?

Apparently inna you don't hear what others (including his peers) do in Dylan. He's not for everyone ;-).

Dylan lyrics probably are not for everyone, as has been made clear by this thread. Seeing so many posters rag on Dylan just confirms my belief that there are more horses' butts in this world than horses.
Johnny Cash, another guy who couldn’t sing or play guitar "very well".
Are you serious?