SR Fuse Orientation MW Sony 5400


I'm going to evaluate the correct orientation when I have some uninterrupted time but do any of you with time player know which direction produced the best sound? Using SR Black fuses now...

Synergistic Research actually used to claim their SR-20 fuses were not directional since they were subjected to the Telsa treatment in both directions, which supposedly made them non directional. That is according to a Norm Lutweg review in Stereo Times. Dunno what SR claims in terms of directionality for Red and Black fuses. But to the point, if SR didn’t believe their SR-20 fuses were directional they wouldn’t have paid any attention to the writing or symbols on the fuse, yes? Therefore, the writing or symbols on that particular fuse, at a minimum, is most likely random with respect to directionality.

Can one of you fine folks tell me what size and rating of fuse(s)  the 5400ES takes? Got one coming on Monday and wanted to round up some SR Black fuses for it.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks wig.  May not come up with 800ma right way.  Would 1 amp cause any problems or offer any benefits?

I appreciate your guidance,