A bigger problem in using subs with the Quads (or any other planar) is getting them to sound "one" with the speakers. Dipole users complain that subs produce bass that doesn't integrate with their speakers, sounding detached, tacked on, and of a different character.
Dipole users have tried all kinds of subs with them, the Finnish company Gradient creating a dipole sub for use specifically with the model 63. A dipole sub is a great idea for use with dipole speakers, for the obvious reasons.
There is a VERY unique and excellent dipole sub available, but it requires a little bit of DIY. GR Research's Danny Richie and Rythmik Audio's Brian Ding combined their talents to create the world's only Servo-Feedback Open Baffle/Dipole subwoofer, and it's killer! Voted "Best Bass at The Show" at numerous RMAF's, details on it are viewable on both the company's websites. Highest sound quality subwoofer currently available, at any price, in the opinion of many who have actually heard it.