I have a Bryston BDP-1/BDA-1 combo. Can sound quality be noticeably improved by upgrading the DAC?  Anyone move from the BDA-1 to the Berkeley Alpha 2 and thought it was a worthy upgrade?
I think you need to listen for yourself. :)

I’ve never listened to the Bryston. Here’s 3 I think you should listen to, from cool to warm:


The Ayre codex is also getting good reviews, but never heard it.

As always, the ontly thing that really matters is your own ears. To them be true. And your partner. :) 



My ability to audition equipment is extremely limited. So I must rely on the experience of others. 
I recently heard a demo of a system with the Mytek Manhattan DAC playing 16/44.1 files, which was awesome sounding. But, since the system also used top tier amplification and Legacy Focus SE speakers, I have no way of knowing how much contribution the DAC had to the overall sound quality.  The bass was just incredible. 
As Erik posts above, I also suggest you look at the Ayre Codex DAC priced at $1,795. "The Codex has many design features not commonly found in a DAC that retails for $1,795. One is a pure analog, linear power supply instead of the more commonly found switching power supply.  Another is a custom Ayre developed Minimum Phase Filter that was developed from 4 months of listening tests with a Burr-Brown DAC chip.  A fully balanced signal path throughout the analog circuitry with zero feedback is also found in the Codex".  Please see these links:

I am ALSO considering the Ayre Codex DAC and will use its single optical input connection.  The Ayre Codex DAC has received great reviews and it is amazing this small DAC can sound so good.   I will be using it as a DAC only and will not need its volume controls. Several reviews have stated the Codex DAC is very musical.   In addition, its been suggested that the synergy between the Ayre Codex DAC (using balanced cables) and my Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier is excellent.  I have been told the Codex sounds "best" when its balanced output connections are used.

Based on the reviews I have seen, I suggest you should research the Ayre Codex DAC.  If your ability to audition equipment is limited, please continue your research and do not rush your decision.