Bi-wire speaker cable setup for Krell FPB 400cx

I currently have Morrow SP2 on the HF terminals and an old set of Esoteric Audio Ultra Cable Premier Perfect Symmetry OFHC Windings Ultra Flex Jacket on the LF terminals. Speakers are Legacy Audio Signature II, which are very large towers with response down to 22hz.

I like the clarity and tonality of the Morrows, but there is just not much wire in them and I wonder if I am getting the full dynamics possible. As to the Esoterics, they are very finely stranded, heavy gauge wires, and it seems as though traditional stranded wire has fallen out of favor these days.

Whatever upgrade I might undertake, I certainly would want it to be capable of fully transmitting the full dynamic abilities of the Krell. Since I like the overall sound of the Morrows, should I move up the Morrow line to some with more wire in them, or can anyone suggest a better sounding wire to use on the HF end? What about the bass? I want the deepest and most defined bass I can get.

I should add that the Krell has two sets of speaker output binding posts per channel, so it is easy to connect two completely different wires for the HF and LF runs.


Typically you want the 2 cables to have the same impedance (or similar in specs).

If you like the Morrow’s, try moving higher up the line and use a single-run. Then use Morrow or comparable wire for jumpers. Much better than the stock jumpers. It depends on the system, but sometimes biwire offers little or no benefit over this method.
Biamping or mono blocks offer a noticeable improvement in sonics.

And wire gauge is less important than the design of the cables; conductor materials, dielectric, shielding.
Don't use different cables for highs/lows.   ...just as a suggestion, contact Paul at ClearDay Cables.  He's very knowledgeable, and will send you a review pair of his Double Shotgun free of charge for evaluation.  I doubt if you'll not be delighted.
I guess I should clarify that, at this point, my top goal is the deepest, most impactful and articulate bass I can get.  I just feel like I am not getting the best out of my speakers.

After some more reading here on Agon, it seems that many talk about MIT for that purpose.  I've also seen the claim that at least 10awg is what you want for bass, if not even more.  Any recommendations?
Purist Audio Design! The best cables on earth for over 30+ years. :-)
Brian, dealer disclosure please.