Looking for way to get good audio from netflix

I have moved and want to set up my system to receive the streaming Netflix signal. My wireless internet connection is very good at this location. My techy friend says to use a Roku 2 HD box, but I wonder about the sound quality of a $60 device. What advice can you offer to make the most of the Netflix sound?
I use the optical audio with Roku and really like the sound with my Cambridge 540R HT.
On a related note. Does netflix stream Dolby surround yet? I know thas has been in the works for some time.
Netflix does stream surround sound, limited to 5 channel currently. I use an Apple TV and the multi-channel indicators light up when surround sound is fed. I have talked to them about this on the phone, and not all movies are streamed with surround. It depends on whether the version they own rights to includes a multi-channel track.
The sound quality is OK. I still depend on Blu Ray and my B&W 6 series speakers for great movie sound. I've never watched a Netflix movie and thought, "man the sound really sucks." I typically turn off my critical ears for Netflix, tho.
Why not just use VUDU instead? It does DD+ 7.1

Your BR Player or TV may already stream it.