Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.
Perhaps it has been noted and I missed it. Read the words of Johnny Cash about Dylan on the back of the Nashville Skyline LP.
I agree with @jesusa0 and others. Look, I appreciate what Dylan has done for culture, for zeitgeist, for capturing and creating and extending through his lyrics what culture could only embody as an inchoate creation without him.

But really? Dylan over Borges, Cormac McCarthy, Philip Roth, Oates, Murakami?

Without the stage and the studio as his media, his lyrics would never have had the impact they had. He had tools at his disposal these other far more deserving writers never had.

I vote next year the Nobel Committee consider Springsteen, Ice Cube, and Neil Peart among their shortlist for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

What a joke.
Everyone who feels their judgment is superior to the members of the Nobel committee, stop being so selfish and apply for the job. It's not right to keep all that wisdom to yourself; share it with the world.
@bdp24 That's a logical fallacy. My saying that Dylan is less deserving than other authors is not the same as my saying my judgment is superior to the Nobel committee's. Besides, there is no committee or cabal anywhere that's impervious to second guessing or to flawed reasoning.

One one level, I'm disagreeing with the Nobel committee for its choosing of an author who used the medium of music as a channel for his poetry - something no other Nobel authors have done.

On another level, as a literature professor, I feel safe in saying that the literary merit of the authors I mentioned, as well as their influence on literature throughout their career, far surpasses what Dylan has done.
That's a logical fallacy. My saying that Dylan is less deserving than other authors is not the same as my saying my judgment is superior to the Nobel committee's ...
On another level, as a literature professor, I feel safe in saying that the literary merit of the authors I mentioned, as well as their influence on literature throughout their career, far surpasses what Dylan has done.
You just committed another logical fallacy: Call to Authority.