@bdp24 That's a logical fallacy. My saying that Dylan is less deserving than other authors is not the same as my saying my judgment is superior to the Nobel committee's. Besides, there is no committee or cabal anywhere that's impervious to second guessing or to flawed reasoning.
One one level, I'm disagreeing with the Nobel committee for its choosing of an author who used the medium of music as a channel for his poetry - something no other Nobel authors have done.
On another level, as a literature professor, I feel safe in saying that the literary merit of the authors I mentioned, as well as their influence on literature throughout their career, far surpasses what Dylan has done.
One one level, I'm disagreeing with the Nobel committee for its choosing of an author who used the medium of music as a channel for his poetry - something no other Nobel authors have done.
On another level, as a literature professor, I feel safe in saying that the literary merit of the authors I mentioned, as well as their influence on literature throughout their career, far surpasses what Dylan has done.