I made my choice and bought the Klyne 7PX. Alas I find the user
manual very confusing. There are three ''adjustment categories''
but only two ''banks'' with switches . One in front for the
choice of the amplification (35, 50 and 63dB) the other on the
back side wih 10 switches for impedance choice but as well
for the choice of the dampening of the h. frequency resonances by
MC carts at 30 Khz, 35 and 40 Khz. The other specific possibility is to
chose 47 Kohm for the MC carts as well. Lew and Raul seem
to like this impedance value. By the recommended values for the
carts included in the user manual the 47 Kohm is prefered value
but in addition to either of those dampening ''resonance values''.
For example (my) Urushi 47 Kohm + 35 Khz.
However for the 47 Kohm one need to switch nr. 10 in OFF
position but for any of the recommended resonance damping one
need to put the same switch in ON position. My specific problem
is the optimal adjustment for the , say, MM part of the 7PX
because I want to use my SUT with 35 dB amplification by 7Px.
But I will be also thankfull if someone can explain the contradictory
switch 10 in ON as well OFF position.