+1 to John's (Jmcgrogan2's) comment. Fazee, I suspect that if you Google "IEC Adapter" you will find something comparable that would be suitable for use in your country.
If you do end up performing the breakin while the cords are in the system, though, and if the three cords you ordered are identical (or at least if all of them are of adequate gauge for use on the amp), I suppose what would make sense is as follows: Initially run all three of them in the system at whatever volume is suitable at any given time, for some number of days or weeks. When you reach a point where no further improvement is noted, or if you don't notice any improvement during that time, then switch the cords between the integrated amp and the Sony player, and repeat the process, thereby subjecting the cord that was conducting the relatively small amount of current drawn by the player to the larger amount of current drawn by the amp.
And if you are connecting the amp directly to the wall outlet, rather than through the power conditioner, then repeat the process once more, with the conditioner's power cord swapped with one of the others. That step shouldn't be necessary, though, if you are powering the amp via the conditioner.
Good luck. Regards,
-- Al