When I bought the 802N I had the change to buy for a very small price the 335 ML poweramp of the distributer. I just had the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 300 power. But the Nu-Vista was much more musical, had more depth information ans also more resolution. The new Levinson is better than the older Levinson. But I never heard the involvement I like. I changed the transformers of the Nu-Vista with E-tansfomers. The sound is really improved, and the control in the bass is awesome.
My system: Nautilus 800N, Meridian 800 DAX v4 ( latest model), modified NU-Vista 300, Nordost Valhalla Bi-amp cable, Acapella cinch with WBT nextgen, 2 Valhalla powercabels and Valhalla between PSU and Power of the Nu-vista, Newest Purist Audio Aqueous powercable, KE Powersource ( conditioner )
Result; a very musical system which plays extremely three-demensional and has a lot of power in the low freq. and a resolution to die for.
My system: Nautilus 800N, Meridian 800 DAX v4 ( latest model), modified NU-Vista 300, Nordost Valhalla Bi-amp cable, Acapella cinch with WBT nextgen, 2 Valhalla powercabels and Valhalla between PSU and Power of the Nu-vista, Newest Purist Audio Aqueous powercable, KE Powersource ( conditioner )
Result; a very musical system which plays extremely three-demensional and has a lot of power in the low freq. and a resolution to die for.