Reclocking device for the Schiit Gungnir?

Is anybody using a reclocking device at the front-end of the Gungnir Multibit DAC? I have about 150 hours of burn-in on my new Schiit using an ARC CDP as transport with an Oyaide BNC coax cable (also using a Mogami coax).
The imaging and dynamics have really opened up and are outstanding, but it is still presenting a digital edge to the sound. I am comparing this to my previous DAC (Chord QuteEX) which sounded so much like analogue. Is this a case of needing more burn-in time or will adding a reclocker to my transport help the performance?

I would appreciate any comments from those who have a Schiit Multibit. As you know, there is only a 15 day limit to demo this unit.

Double agreed!  I had B&W. CM6s2 and listened to the B&W 805 diamonds.  Those were so bright they were like diamonds cutting my eardrums.

upgraded to Aerial 5T. I left that mass spearker brightness forever.

I have the yggy as well and it does not need any reclocker.  I suspect the rest of their line is similar. 
A lot of the discussion on dacs - particularly schiit - is on specs rather than sound. if the chord spunds better why not stay with it? we all agree specs dont correlate exactly to good sound. 
@skoczylas ,
A lot of the discussion on dacs - particularly schiit - is on specs rather than sound. if the chord spunds better why not stay with it? we all agree specs dont correlate exactly to good sound.
That’s true, but there are so many users praising the sonics of the Schiit, even on this forum, that I wanted to try it.
As for the ChordEX, it was very musical, very analogue, but was too forward in presentation for me. Also lacking in low-end and inner detail. It uses a SMPS wall-wart and it’s recommended to upgrade to a linear PS for optimal performance. To add a new power supply would have made it more expensive than the Schiit.

I love the sumptuous presentation of the Gungnir MB. I need to find the cause of the digital edge I’m hearing. I have good advice from the contributors that it could be the cable format, CD transport, or even my speakers. Or maybe it needs longer burn-in?

Excuse me, only one comment about the Schiits was based on spec. I read the specs long after I really liked them.

However, to your own ears be true! :) If it’s too hard for you it’s too hard.

Based on spec and auditioning I think Schiits are source insensitive. If you find it glaring and hard, it's down stream from them, not up.

