Reclocking device for the Schiit Gungnir?

Is anybody using a reclocking device at the front-end of the Gungnir Multibit DAC? I have about 150 hours of burn-in on my new Schiit using an ARC CDP as transport with an Oyaide BNC coax cable (also using a Mogami coax).
The imaging and dynamics have really opened up and are outstanding, but it is still presenting a digital edge to the sound. I am comparing this to my previous DAC (Chord QuteEX) which sounded so much like analogue. Is this a case of needing more burn-in time or will adding a reclocker to my transport help the performance?

I would appreciate any comments from those who have a Schiit Multibit. As you know, there is only a 15 day limit to demo this unit.
150 hours is often not enough for a maybe just don't like the Schiit...they get great reviews but many also do not particularly like them also...
The Gallos are good, no need to replace them w/bookshelf speakers. My guess is that the Schiit is revealing distortions from somewhere up the chain. Trying the Intona, Remedy, Schiit Wyrd or even a Jitterbug would all be worthwhile experiments. The Schiit will definitely allow you to hear differences between digital cables which can affect exactly what your issue is. 
Since you are worried about the 15day policy, I would contact Schiit now and tell them about what you hear, even linking them to this thread. Ask their suggestions and perhaps you could ask for an extra 15 days to figure it out. They might make an exception; it can't hurt to ask. Cheers,
I thought that a multi-bit ladder DAC is supposed to interpolate the data on the frequency curve more accurately and smoother than delta-sigma. 

Interpolation has nothing to do with the DAC architecture - this is the domain of the digital filter. Schiit's claim to fame is that their oversampling filter 'preserves the original samples'. Rob Watts of Chord Electronics wrote an interesting post on this subject over at Head-Fi (link here).

My own first-hand experience with a Modi Multibit in my system as well as listening to other Schiit DAC's (Gungnir Multibit and Yggdrasil) at head-fi meets have taught me that the overall Schiit house sound can be rather forward and aggressive at times. I did detect a slight 'edge' to vocals as well as plucked guitar when the Modi Multibit was in my system. So I don't think you're hearing things that aren't there. However, some of it was reduced by keeping the DAC powered on for at least 24 hours. Are you doing the same for the Gungnir?
@yage ,
Thanks for the info and sharing your experience. Yes, I am keeping the DAC powered up. I am burning it in with the IsoTek disc plus heavy metal CDs on repeat, letting it run overnight. I keep it turned on even when not feeding it a signal.
If that's the case, it's probably just not meshing with your system. The only other suggestion I have is to pair it with a tube amp if it isn't already. The best sounding combination with the Yggdrasil in the chain at a recent meet involved a SET headphone amp with transformer output. Much more life-like vocal and instrumental timbres than with the solid state gear (including the Schiit Jotunheim).

But that's an easy suggestion for me to make since it's not my wallet!