Subwoofer with Thiel 2.4s?

Hi all, I'm in the process of building a new system and am considering adding a sub to my Thiel system. I'd love to get one of the Smart Subs, but they're just too damn expensive to fit into the budget. Any opinions on the other alternatives? Although I do use the system for TV and occasional movies, I'm really only interested in 2 channel.

I've read good things about the REL Strata III, but would like to hear other's opinions on the available < $1000 (used) options.
 I love the strata 3 ,IMO its superior to the storm models which  I have owned and never liked...Easier to integrate and much quicker.Im running a Rel strata with a pair of sc1.2s as a third system with great results
I'm a 2 subbed (2 subster? "sub" stantial?) listener as I scored another REL from the same era as my Q150e…(a Q108II). 2 subs actually help remove some of the corner roll off boom by introducing an in-phase signal to the bass that escapes along the wall from the other sub to meet up and MODE so to speak. The Q era REL subs have lots of adjustability so integration into the room isn't so difficult at all…and you can buy these damn things pretty cheap (both of mine are perfect and cost about 200 bucks each…you simply have to wait for one to come along).
"I love and endorse REL subwoofer(s). Happy Listening!" 

Are all the election spots rubbing off on you Jafant . I endorse this post !
Reviving an older thread here;
hope you guys are still enjoying the CS 2.4 and a REL or SmartSub.

Happy Listening!