Sim Audio Integrated 600i vs 700i

Has anyone had an opportunity to compare these 2 Integrated Amps. I have spent a few hours with the 600I which was very impressive but I have not had an opportunity to demo the 700i. There is a very significant price difference. Can the 700I be that much better, the 600 was amazing. I demoed the 600i with my Sopra No.2 speakers. A very nice match.

Thanks in advance for all replies.

I haven't heard the 700 but the 600 i heard was damn near perfect. i heard them with Dynaudio C1 speakers. It was fantastic.

Thank you for the response bubba, I too felt the 600i was killer. Makes me wonder what the 700i at 4K more can possibly do so much better. I found one review that says "extra oomph" or horsepower from the 700i with increased resolution and dimensionality is what you are paying the extra 4K for. Must be a lot more of everything for the price differential.
The 600 sounded very powerful. I guess it depends on your room. The only negative with Sim seems to be price. Lol.