Aerial 5T impressions

Any owners of Aerial 5T out there that want to share their impressions?

I currently have B&W CM6S2's..
They are very detailed speakers with good bass. Sometimes the highs are a little on the bright side and I was listening to a pair of the Aerial 5T's.  They sound more neutral to me with less emphasis on the extreme high end.  Beautiful build quality. 

If you have similar or other experience with them I would  e very interested. 

Keep us posted on your impressions.  I liked my 5Ts so much I just bought a pair of 7Ts for my home rig!
I just finished two days of attendance at IBMA -  International Bluegrass Music Association Festival.  

After listening to music live for two full days, it is the best compliment I can give to say listening to the same artists/songs on the 5T's takes me right back infront of the stage.  Some speaker brands try to lure you in with their bright sparkly sound only to drive you away with their false attempt at reproducing music.  Thanks to Aerial Acousitcs for delivering the real goods!

Sierra Hull lives in my den. She is everyone's darling.  2016 mandolin player of the year.  Balsam Range and the rest of the so many other blue grass music is acoustic music you can feel in your soul. 

To be total honest -
The only noticeable difference is the level of bass.  While these speakers for their size provide exceptional levels of tight bass,  the volume of the standup bass during the concert just goes that bit lower.  The concerts also tend to jack up the volume I suspect.  Nonetheless the bass impact is what one takes away. 

I do have an M&K sub but it's not really a sub more of a bass unit purchased for sorround sound back in the 90's only goes down to 50hz. 

Now what sub would do justice to these Aerials?
i was considering JL Audio e112.

I purchased the Aerial 5T's earlier this year to replace my Aerial 5B's that I use in my office.  The sound of the 5T's is awesome!  The bass extension and richer midrange are immediately apparent due to it's design.  While I loved the sound of the 5B's.....the 5T's are a big step up with regard to overall sound.  I'm moving my 5B's downstairs to another room.     
I liked the 5Ts so much that I just replaced my B&W 803 D3's with the 7T in my main rig room at home.  I am very impressed with this speaker line.  Excellent value with performance well beyond their price point.
I continue to be amazed with the realism of these 5T's.  I recently attended the Pump Boys musical sitting 4 rows back center being reminded of the neutrality of live music.  These speakers present music in the same way.