Anybody here terminate DH Labs BL-1 cable?

I want to make sure I'm terminating these correctly.
They have 2 conductors, a drain wire and a shield.

For unbalanced RCA termination, 1 wire for signal, 1 wire for ground, and combine the drain on the ground wire?
Is that correct? Or is the drain only used for balanced connections?

Right.. but do you use that shield on either end?
I thought you only use the 2 wires + drain
For components that do not have a ground pin the following approach can be used

1. using the continuity test option on a multi-meter, determine if the neutral side of the RCA socket is connected to the case
2. if the RCA neutral is "grounded" to the case, then simply run a single wire from the case to a mains ground point and then connect the interconnect cable as erik stated
3. if the RCA neutral is not connected to the case - the only option is to connect the end of the interconnect with ground and neutral joined to the next component in the chain - hopefully that component will have a ground pin on its power cable.

With a floating shield architecture, it is always better to have a grounded source, that way connecting the interconnect as erik stated, i.e. to the source component, ensures that any "induced noise" in the shield is not transferred to the next component in the chain.

Grounding those components that do not have a ground pin ensures the quietest possible operation of your system - if done right

I've tried this many times and it works very well - but you can't blindly ground everything - the neutral side of the RCA socket on the component must have an electrical connection to the case/chassis for the interconnects to work properly

Not sure of that clarified things or not :-)
The drain is in contact with the shield across the length of the cable. It IS the contact for the shield. You never solder or crimp to a delicate foil shield like this directly.

Connect the drain at 1 end only, and place it towards the source for best RF removal with RCA cables.

With balanced, of course, you connect the drain wire to pin 1 and the outer casing.

Re: the c7 connectors lack of ground, connect the ground lead at the mains plug only and cut it short at the c7 end.

It provides a little floating shield effect.
