Yep, saw that one. There's a B4 on audiogon/reno-hi-fi for $995. I didn't mention it because it actually has a lower input impedance of 10k ohms. Also, I'm highly suspect about the power supply -- it looks like a basic laptop power supply, so you may have to buy/build a high-quality high-current linear DC power supply to get any sort of performance out of it. I also read that is uses bare JFET transistors with zero feedback instead of full op-amp circuits. The JFETS are biased into Class A, so this crossover will definitely draw some power supply current. I can't comment on the performance of this specific device, but I have seen instances where a bare JFET will sound nice but not have enough brute force to provide enough gain for bass/midbass punch, especially without negative feedback. JFETs in preamp circuits can sound nice - they tend to have a nice rich/lush type of sonic signature, but they are not as crisp/clear as bipolar devices (this is largely a personal preference on sound signature here).
The Bryston power supply provides +/-24V (for a total of 48 volts), so the analog circuits definitely have a lot of current to play with for good bass/midbass power. And I confirmed that the circuits are all Class A discrete and use bipolar devices instead of FET based.
There's always the Pass XVR-1, which is probably the best of the best, but at $5k+, I suspect it is out of range here.