Manley Jumbo Shrimp upgrade

Would like to keep and upgrade my current Manley Jumbo Shrimp preamplifier.  Does anyone know of a competent tech who can accomplish this.  Considering $700-1000 worth of upgrades.  Thanks for input.

1 The Jumbo Shrimp main voltage fuse is a 600 ma slo blo. If you don’t find improvement (or very little) you can return the Synergistic Research Black fuse.

2 You have three tube types to manipulate, 12AT7, 5670 and the 7044.

3 Your output stage capacitors are MIT/Multicap 30uf x 2 total.
I’d proceed in this order one step at a time.

The fuse can make a very noticeable improvement in some components. It’s worth a try.
Fuses are not part of the active, tone producing circuits in any amp, and are simply designed to allow current to pass through them and fail immediately if necessary to save the circuits from frying. Although SR fuses have a cult following with astonishing claims of transforming the tone quality of amps, I've tested these (SR Black) and found these claims to be nonsense, even while providing the weeks of break-in (!). In fact, after my little comparison to the Littlefuse (and other generally stock fuses) products I've used for years, I discovered an SR Black had been left in my amp for months, which I replaced with the original  Littlefuse with zero change in tone. Try asking anybody how these little graphene enhanced seriously overpriced tiny wire devices actually work (magically coat the electrons with Special Sauce?) and prepare for scorn. The SR business model seems to be "money paid equals results experienced" even when the products are laughably unnecessary.
It should probably be mentioned that for the fuse skeptic and/or audio cheapskate it's worth reversing the current stock fuse(s) in one’s system you know, to see if perhaps one way actually is better than the other. What are the odds? Gotta be 50%.
celtic66, you might check with Manley, providing your serial number, to see if there are any factory upgrades.

Otherwise, if you'd like to experiment I'd agree with trying a few different tubes.  I don't have experience with expensive fuses so cannot comment on those.

Of course one might ask what sort of improvements you hope to achieve before thinking about changing anything.