Is my amp the problem?

I recently decided to bi-amp my speakers so I purchased a crown xls 1002. (225w 8 ohm). I am driving a 10 woofer. It sounds horrible. I can't seem to get it to put out much power despite its rating even when I make all the right adjustments. Its a class D amp. Is that my problem? It just doesn't seem to have any Ba**s. Lol. Advice is appreciated.

Looking at the specs, the gain on these Emotiva amps is 29db, where the gain on your modwright is 26db. If you don’t use an active crossover, you’ll probably want to use a speaker LPAD attenuator (parts express) on the woofers to bring down the level. Or spend more and use a passive preamp before the woofer amplifier.

BTW, I have to wait for the admin to approve my registration to the emotiva site.
So, if you have an lpad on the mids/tweeter, you can remove it and have absolutely no wasted power at all! Though, you might want some attenuation somewhere. Even 1 db on the woofer can mean the difference between something "too warm" and something "just right" (or even something "bass shy").
agreed. usually you don't want to put any resistors in line with the woofer, right?. BTW, the speakers are my design and I use mills or mundorf resistors to pad down when needed. high now I have them running wide open!! I was hoping an amp might have some adjustment.. Just got a recommendation from someone about ART SLA-2. Looks to be pro sound. Not sure I want to go that route unless I know for sure its good.