Seller asked for PayPal fees after the sale. Should I pay them or not?

I recently purchased an item and after accepting my offer the seller asked for PayPal fees (3%). I checked the listing and nothing was listed in the ad about my paying the fees.  I have already payed half the fee but I'm not sure if I should have paid the full amount. Changing the deal after accepting the offer feels wrong to me. Looking for guidance.
Many sellers here want the BUYER to pay the PP fees. You can alert him to the fact that the ad did not specify this, but I’ll bet he will still want you to pay. If the amount is significant and you really want the item, offer to split the fee with him.
But, since you've made a payment, I believe the seller has all the power in this transaction.
It's the SELLERS responsibility to list all fees upfront.  Since you have already paid half the fee I would leave it at that, if the seller refuses then I would contact Audiogon.

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