Hello David,
How are you? Did you get your new S5 Mk II's set up yet?
How's the rig sounding?
How are you? Did you get your new S5 Mk II's set up yet?
How's the rig sounding?
What do audiophiles want from a cable?
hifiman5 285 posts 10-28-2016 7:48pm "My guess is that audiophiles see cables as similar to water hoses, and the goal is to increase the flow and remove the constriction. That’s at odds with reality, since we’re not dealing with electrons flowing into preamps, amps or speakers." I hope the above is a typo! If its not electrons flowing along the cables into our components and speakers then what is it? Little fairies? ............................ sorry to put a damper on the water hose theory of cables but electrons move at a rate of only a few centimeters per minute, in AC circuits they move to and fro, with net zero gain. The audio signal itself, you know, the electromagnetic wave, on the other hand, travels at near light speed. |
Good morning Mr. Kait, Good point. So we should be describing how various signal transmission products handle the electromagnetic wave. I will buy that. Perhaps that is why some of the latest higher-technology cable/powercord/power treatment products have moved in this direction (EM cells (SR) and magnetic enhancement (HF), for example) and away from massive windings of large-gauge conductors long thought to be indicative of a superior conductive interface? Best to you geoffkait, Dave |
jmcgrogan25,498 posts10-29-2016 10:15pmHello David,Hi John, i’m well thanks. I recently came back from holiday, so I need to do some cleaning up after my break in the next week. I’m aiming to get a basic setup in the next 2 wks & do some solid run in for about 3 wks, before taking up an offer from my Dealer’s room setup consultant to run some room sweeps, get a final setup & spike my speakers. It’s been a helluva year, but i’m now starting to put myself first again! |