Looking for preamp recommendations to go with First Watt J2 - Under $1K on used market

My system is: 

First Watt J2 Amp
Passive preamp (DIY but good quality - Goldpoint dual mono attenuators, Cardas connectors, silver wire, etc.)
VPI Classic 1 (JMW 10 arm) w/ Ortofon Rondo Blue and Denon DL-301 MkII
Coph Nia MC phono preamp (60dB gain)
Jolida Glass FX DAC
Yamaha CDP
Klipsch Cornwall speakers
Kimber speaker wires
DIY Belden 4312 interconnects

I love the transparency of the passive preamp, but I am investigating the possibility of adding a little more gain into the system with an active preamp.  I listen to vinyl 99% of the time, and I find myself pushing the limits of the J2 with the passive.  Before I think about replacing my phono preamp section, I thought I might give the active preamp route a go.  
The J2 has an input sensitivity of 1000kohm.  I'd like a pre that has a MM phono section, since the Coph Nia does not.  That would give me the ability to use a SUT at some point if I wanted to.  But it's not a necessity.

Suggestions/recommendations are appreciated, especially if you are currently using the J2 as well.  I want to make sure there is a good match between the J2 and whichever preamp I go with.  And I definitely have no problem buying off the used market to maximize my available audio funds!  To be clear, I have been using a passive pre for a long time, so I'm not really all that savvy about active preamps.  


There's a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE on audiogon for $1100.  It is designed to act like a passive preamp, but with added gain when the signal level and output impedance requires it.  You can research more on the web.  Currently, the retail for a new one is $2k.
Thanks, but I'm not looking for another passive.  The passive I have now is excellent, but I'm looking to add some gain into my system.