
Hi all, 

Working on a system for a small 9 by 11 listening room.   I have narrowed it down to two small speakers: Falcon Acoustics Ls3/5a (15 ohm, 83 db) or the Airtight AL-05, also called Bonsai II (4 ohm 89 fb).

Tha amplifier will go in a cabinet.  I have about 14 inches between shelves and I always play music with the doors open.  I would love to use a tube amplifier but worry about heat.  So I am wondering if readers think something like a Line Magnetic 211ia could work in this configuration, or if it produces too much heat?   I have also been thinking about the tube -like  solid state Sugden A21Se, but have a similar question about its temperature.   Another cool (literally cool) option would be the Vinnie Rossi LIO, an amp I love but that is conisiderably more money.

Are there other options for relatively  compact tube amps (i.e.: . I have 17 inches of depth inside this cabinet including power cords so unit cannot be more than 14 inches deep) that do not produce a lot of heat (relatively speaking?).  Or is there really no tube amp that would work well in this scenario?

130deg F is 30deg C increase above ambient temperature.  Life of electrolytic caps is reduced 2x for each 10degC increase.  In that case it will be 2x2x2=8 times.  It will reduce 8x life of all capacitors in this cabinet.   Sliding tray or fan or both !!!
I auditioned the Sugden on the same day and same system as the Line Magnetic 518, and I was really impressed with it. It is a great integrated. Really good music coming from it. You should seek it out to listen if you can. I would consider buying it, but I am obsessed with the Line Magnetic 219, which WOULD be a heat problem in your room.
Hi Roxy54,
So glad to hear this rave review of the Sugden!  That is really good to know.  And the 219 looks amazing.  I hope you are able to get it!
thanks, Margot

McCanaday ...

Double click on my avatar and you'll see an enlarged picture of my equipment rack. The ARC REF-75 is on the bottom shelf. I just measured the clearance. There is exactly two inches of clearance between the top of the KT-150 power tubes and the bottom of the shelf that resides over the amp. Granted, the shelving is an open design, but there has never been a problem with overheating in the many years I've had this rack.  Prior to the REF-75, I had an ARC Classic 60 in its place. No problem there either. The Classic 60 has a fan, but I kept it disconnected for lower noise. The REF-75 has  no fan.