need a new processor

I currently have an Atlantic Technology p-2000 and would like to upgrade. Am considering several pros currently available here. I listen to mostly music with about 30% movies. I am considering a Parasound Halo c2, Classe ssp75, Moon attraction 7.1 and a newer Rotel RSP 1570.
Amy suggestions or recommendations or should I keep on looking. Speakers are Focal 806v.
But how does it sound to you? Clearly, this is not a modern prepro and you are missing many features, imho, but the bottom line is whether it sounds good to you.
Hi Kal, sorry to be so forward (wasn't able to contact you privately, and apologies to Goulsonc), but if you have a couple of minutes, I would really appreciate your thoughts on the subject of this (mine) thread:
My c2 sound amazing. There is a slight bit of brightness that is apparent but not drastic, I prefer a bit of brightness as opposed to warm. The biggest change has been soundstage. I now swear that there is music comming from in back of me. The DAC is very good except for the LFE issue.o I miss the newer features, not so much as I use this mostly for music from a server. The only real pain is the remote. I ended up just leaving it alone and living with the settings that were already programmed in. I may mess with it again along with the software settings for the processor, but it sound fine and more than fine for the price. Of course I would have liked to purchased a newer processor but yikes what a price difference and I don't need HDMI. So all in all I really like this processor but still don't see it as a permanent solution, just need more money and the wifes ok for more money invested but I think new speakers are next, my Focal 806V's are good but would like a smaller floorstander possibly.

You can patch up a system as you propose but you misunderstand the function of a bypass. It is the stereo preamp that needs the function, not the HT processor.
