Inboard phono stage in a 7k+ integrated, how good versus standalone units?

Supposing a 7k plus integrated where you could add a mm/mc phono card (actually two mono phono cards in this case), and supposing the quality of assembly and parts equal that of the amp, which is pretty high, is it worth going for versus an outside box especially if you cannot audition it first?

I am thinking one less box plus no need for an expensive interconnect. Cost of the phono cards around $ $800 integrated is the Norma revo IPA-140.

I have been totally stunned by this jewel from day one after owning a truckload of both tube and SS integrated and separates.

Interested by the musical surroundings Nova and the ifi micro phono2.

Not a hard-core vinyl user, but still I enjoy playing my few LP's.

Thanks if you can help!
Updating is the key.
Many phono stages are excellent at the time they were created but become dated as progress is made in circuit design.  Unless your unit has the capability of changing out circuit boards to update, eventually whatever you have will no longer be state of the art.

Until then, why not be happy with what you have, and whenever you get restless about what you have no longer being au courant, either seek a new board from the amp manufacturer or look for a better sounding separate unit.

My 3rd system has a Classe preamp with twin phono boards on board.  Good, but not as good as later separate units (I still use a Vendetta and the Mares was very rare and very highly regarded even today).

I have yet to find a CTC Blowtorch phono for sale.....
Thanks for your reply wspohn,

Your comment "whatever you have will no longer be state of the art" is not the issue here. Owning "state of the art" is not a priority, good sound is, and I have heard many "state of the art" units (amps, preamps, whatever) that were state of the art but really did not sound very good. Probably because of component mismatch, the no.1 culprit most of the time.

About the example you mention of your Classé with twin phono boards on board not being good as separate units, well it is all subjective of course.

Having owned Classé gear for a short time before bringing in the norma integrated, I can assure you that, to my ears at least, the norma is much more refined and overall much more transparent and harmonically rich. It is just a better machine, even though the Classe of course is nice too.

And if the sound of an integrated, or even separates don’t rock your boat, it won’t matter if you put an on-board phono card or go with an external box.

And by the way, I am not a fan of updates. Some of my past purchases have actually been downgrades ! It all depends on what your motivations are.

Add the cards. It us not a huge outlay. If you don't like, at least you have added resale value to the amp.