Help Wanted: 3.1 HT for Small Room

Some questions for you HT gurus.

I'd like to put together a modest home theater in a 12'L x 9'W x 8.5h room. I expect to wall mount the TV on the short wall with the door, giving me 6' for the screen.

I already have speakers for the mains: North Creek Eskas, small MTM mini towers which sound very good (and work well near boundaries in small rooms).

I'l like to keep the ticket under 2k for the project, preferably well under, for:


Happy to look used for everything except TV, but at this pricepoint, the big retailers (New Egg, etc.) may be the way to.

I'll watch the occasional movie, and some sports.

Suggestions about such things as brands, models, retailers, size of TV, etc. very welcome.


Thanks Marty. I'll look seriously at both, and keep you posted.

I'm leaning towards a Samsung or Sony 46" LCD.

I recently built the exact same size man cave in the third stall of my garage. I started with a Marantz receiver, HSU sub, generic center ch and a Samsung 40" tv. I soon realized that the sub is way too big for the room. I would recommend going with a 8 or 10 inch sub max. I decided to try something different and ended up with Atlantic Technology seperates. I really only wanted the amp but the processor came with it. With the change in amp thare wasn't a huge difference in sound but a whole lot more horsepower even though the wattage ratings are the same. I was fooling around with my setup one day and decided to try the processor, I mean I already had it but didn't expect much from a processor that sell for under 200$ used. Boy, was I surprised. The soundstage increased dramatically, the imaging was better and all of a sudden I could actually hear much more from the recordings and tv than I had heard before and the best part was the Porcessor AND amp were purchased for 600$, the best audio investmant Ive ever made. Since then I have made more changes but only because after hearing an inexpensive set of sepperates I realized how much I was missing. One of the major improvements I did to the room was to add carpeting and acoustic curtains to the walls. I now have an ugly room that is acousticall very dead and sounds great in 2 channel. The best part, it cost less than the 2K your budget allows. If you have any questions about my project in comparison to yours e-mail me at
Thanks Goulsonc! I'll look into Atlantic Technology, and keep you posted. I agree about the smaller sub; my plan is to get a decent center first, and see where I'm at.

Don't overlook cc....80% of your dialogue comes thru it...and u have quality to do them.justice...u can't go bottom barrel...unless you listen to explosions smaller sub route is good advice...
Thx Phasecorrect. Grabbed a Vandy Vcc1 center here, which is supposed to be a good unit, and does not run afoul of Jim Smith's "no horizontal MTM centers" rule (though the room is so small, off-axis not much of an issue). Now for receiver, sub, and TV!