I recently built the exact same size man cave in the third stall of my garage. I started with a Marantz receiver, HSU sub, generic center ch and a Samsung 40" tv. I soon realized that the sub is way too big for the room. I would recommend going with a 8 or 10 inch sub max. I decided to try something different and ended up with Atlantic Technology seperates. I really only wanted the amp but the processor came with it. With the change in amp thare wasn't a huge difference in sound but a whole lot more horsepower even though the wattage ratings are the same. I was fooling around with my setup one day and decided to try the processor, I mean I already had it but didn't expect much from a processor that sell for under 200$ used. Boy, was I surprised. The soundstage increased dramatically, the imaging was better and all of a sudden I could actually hear much more from the recordings and tv than I had heard before and the best part was the Porcessor AND amp were purchased for 600$, the best audio investmant Ive ever made. Since then I have made more changes but only because after hearing an inexpensive set of sepperates I realized how much I was missing. One of the major improvements I did to the room was to add carpeting and acoustic curtains to the walls. I now have an ugly room that is acousticall very dead and sounds great in 2 channel. The best part, it cost less than the 2K your budget allows. If you have any questions about my project in comparison to yours e-mail me at goulsonc@embarqmail.com