If you want to run the CX7 XLR you need a balanced pre amp ARC LS 16
LS 17 LS 5 Ayre K 5 etc that would allow you to run all balanced.
Best JohnnyR
Cary SLP-03 pre-amp: Does it need better tubes than stock to sound its best??/
Need some feedback about the Cary SLP-03 pre-amp How good is it "new right out of the box"??
Does it need tube rolling to sound its "very best" or considered audiophile grade sound?
I have read one review of the pre-amp claiming that RCA NOS 5814A tubes, or Mullards tubes bring it to higher level off performance, or a mix of two each.
Supposedly , the pre-amp is.... "extremely tube sensitive" I am not sure what the significance of that phrase means
It would be hooked to a BAT VK-200 amp,.... and like the amp, it has both XLR and RCA connectors
Thank you