Nordost Red Dawn revII vs SPM

Does anyone have any comparison conclusions about the
Nordost Red Dawn rev II against the SPM cables, both
interconnect and speaker. I the difference quite noticeable
and worth the large difference in price?
Rackon--thanks for your comments. I wondered about RFI before buying the Nordost, but as my pre/mono ICs are balanced, and the CDP/pre IC is only 1m RCA, and I have an incredibly quiet background, I would doubt that I have RF infiltrant. I think my system's irritants stem from my old CDP (orig Rotel 855). I'm thinking about trying a non-silver RCA on it for some recordings. Any cost-effective ideas? Am getting curious about newer players like the NAIM CD5 or a supposedly-great new Rotel CD/DVD coming I really don't want to hang a $$$ IC off my old Rotel if the revolution's really here (ha!).
Listened to Kendra Shank's "Wish" last night, and could swear her pianist (Kimbrough) was playing MY Steinway in the it ain't really broke all the time!
Rackon, thanks for your comment. Subaru, I wonder whether the sound will become smoother or dull, if U go for a non-silver rca... Regarding RF, a friend suggested the following(I never had the need to try this out): take alu foil and wrap it around each cable individually, like a cylinder -- i.e. makeshift shielding. Keep the two cables separated. Allegedly, the interference disappears.
But, as I said, this is hearsay: I haven't tried it nor heard it.
So, just an idea. For what it's worth...