Question about new Oppo 4K player

Hey guys!

My first post here, been reading for a long time but wanted to wait until I upgraded my system to jump in! I recently got an Xbox S to use as a 4K player - I needed a new one, and my Sony 930d does HDR, so I figured why not?

I have always been curious about Oppo Blu Ray players, I have read nothing but amazing things about them. My question: WHY is the new 4K player only $500, as opposed to the 103 and 105(d)? My buddies at Magnolia always rave about the sound quality and video processing from the, will the 4K player possibly lose some of the audio power? I can't figure out why it would be so cheap - I figure maybe the darbee chip won't be necessary since its running 4K?

Hope this question makes sense! Thanks
Welcome to the forum ethos4lyfe Not much (there are some) Oppo 4K video questions/answers here. You may want to have a look at

First off I can tell you there is no Oppo 4K player available yet. The UDP203 is coming later this year. The UDP205 (presumably that will be the model) is forthcoming first quarter 2017.

As for the price, the numbers you have mentioned apply to the 103/203, not the 105/205.

As for the audio, only the 105/205 are audiophile grade (balanced output, sabre DAC and so forth).

My hopeful opinion is the audio quality in the 205 will be outstanding. It will not - or should not - suffer as a result of 4K. The video resolution has nothing to do with it. In fact Oppo has a pure audio mode where video can be disengaged.
Yeah, that is a good question, as it does make me question the parts and build quality Oppo would be able to achieve for $500, especially on a player for a new format like 4K.  I have two Oppo universal disc players, and both have been great.  If you go to the Oppo site, you can sign up to receive info on the new 4K player.
Yeah, I Have signed up for info - the price point just stuck out to me. The "last generation" are so highly priced, it makes me think that the first line of 4K players from them will be basic. The first 4K player I believe was the Samsung a while ago, and it left alot to be desired. 
I have a OPPO 103D and it's the best player I've ever owned.  I have had some higher end ES in the past and they were great but this time I was looking good for a universal transport that could stream  Netflix and pull audio off external storage plus play all of my existing media. I own a NAD M51 dac and the combination is killer....Had I not had a great DAC I probably would have bought the 105, but I knew 4k was right around the corner when I bought it about 10 months ago.  The 103D was a perfect fit ,  it's a real bang for the buck, not to mention I have a kid in college so the price was about where I wanted to max out at....