Chazro, really liked the Brazilian Groove Band. Great chart; groovy and funky with a touch of that great "up" and traditionally Brazilian "Carnaval" vibe. I’m always a sucker for a great baritone sound and the drummer is killer with a great snare sound. Thanks for that.
We recently touched on the role of the producer re CTI records. Overly produced music which aspires to stay in the (wide) realm of "Jazz" is usually a drag. Somehow, eventhough the engineer and artists might be the same, some CTI recordings (not all) tend to sound overly produced, imo. However, when "production" becomes a complete vehicle for the expression of the music the results can be great in their way. I was listening to this earlier today and thought that Ghosthouse, guitar-phile that he is, might find the guitar player (Jon Herrington) on this interesting. Killer sound and very tasty solos with a Jeff Beck-like touch. Definitely not jazz, and like it or not (I like it....sometimes....sometimes I almost hate it) the production values are amazing. In a whorehouse? Maybe: