Dear @mmporsche : """ I usually leave that to the experts and I focus on the driving-the part I enjoy the most. I believe the same is true with setting up a turntable. I can understand how to do everything but that doesn’t mean I am going to do it. I am seeking out the local experts and will have them setup my table. If I need to adjust something than I will certainly have the knowledge and tools. """
I don’t think that you just " left "/come down from your family car and suddenly gone inside a car race driving in a race car.
No one borns with that knowledge level, always exist a learning curve when we go inside a " new territory " and high-end is a new territory for you.
Every single of your posts reflects that fact: a new territory where you amost know nothing even that you said: " how to do everything ".
One thing is what we can think and what we really know about.
What are you trying to explain all of us with your posts? that you are already at the top or nearest on that learning curve/ladder?
IMHO and with all respect to you the only truly wise action you took it was to ask in this forum, even that your questions were not the rigth ones.
How do you know which or where are those experts you are talking about and where you will leave everything in their hands?
""" experts and will have them setup my table. """
I already posted here: table set up is only a link on the overall audio chain.
I don’t know how will you know that not only the table set up but the audio system is running at least at average quality level for the items you own. ?. Sorry for my ignorance level but could be that I’m missing many things with your approach and through your posts.
""" it appears that a good number of you seem to enjoy working on your setup more than listening to music ... """
maybe and that’s part of the learning curve that seems to me you think already passed for. Today I just listening at 98% of my time.
Do you think that K.Roseberg or N.Lauda never in true passed for that learning curve? or maybe you can live with " mediocrity/average " results. Is’t fine with you?, if yes then you don't need a diferent analog rig that the one you own.
Example: I'm sure that no one buy a Formula One car only to see it in the garage and switch on/off to " listen " the kind of " noise " motor.
Anyway, I would like to know and could be interesting for you to share: which is your reference to be sure the expert table set up is " perfect "/well done ?
Btw, I think that in audio the best path to go/start is to have an open mind, always.
Regards and enjoy the music,